2L/2P TG Glazed

Composite Doros are innovative products, fullσ€y waterproof and twice as stro₹✘₹ng as wood. High-Density CFC Free cores pr±δ♣ovide 6 times the insulation of a trad&Ω‍itional wood door. The advanced P₹☆‍U door care material also adds to the doors so <und proofing.

Design: 2L/2P TG Glazed
Construction: Engineered ,Advanced PU Core, PVC & LVL♠↓∏‍ in door Stiles & Rails
Color: Oak
Thickness: 44
Height: 1981 、2032 、2040
Width: 762 、838 、813
Surface Treatment: SMC Door Skin

Please contact us for details for other wo∏‌©od species, sizes and designs.

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